8th November 2015 - first match (away) - Div 9 East

Our first match away was at Cheam Fields, on a windy drizzly day and artificial grass. Michele and Lenka didn't start well and lost first set 1-6 in less than half hour but managed to fight back and win on a championship tie-break; their second match was another "fighting back" affair but eventually was a 2-set win. Mercedes and Karin didn't struggle at all and comfortably won both of their matches losing only 8 games in 4 sets - well done women!

29th November 2015 - second match (home)

Forecast wasn't great today - rain and massive wind - but we woke up to a dry morning. Either way, the opposition arrived and their captain claimed "that they can dance Charleston on the courts". Lenka, Michele and Silviya squeegeed pretty much dry courts but the VA Surrey's captain still wasn't happy! We went to knock up while the VA Surrey ladies had a coffee.... suddenly they appeared on court and asked for balls to "knock up and asses the conditions!". We later found out it was due to Peter telling them off LOL thank you Peter as always! The wind was awful and it rained for a bit during the game but we managed to get it done - 4:0 to WGTC with the loss of only 12 games - great for the stats and we are topping the league - due to play the difficult teams still though. Massive thanks to Silviya who watched pretty much the whole match, squeegeed and removed the leaves for us...can't wait to have her playing with us again!

Our early January match against Purley Bury got rained off and postponed to March.  

24th January 2016 - third match (home)

We took on Purley's 4th team - players with a wide mixture of styles - hard flat forehands, sliced shots as well as an annoying moon baller. Anna played with Nina and Lenka with Michele - unfortunately Nina was being sick all morning and they lost both of their matches in two sets. Michele and Lenka managed to win both of their matches so we got a draw and still leading the league, even though not as convincingly as we would have liked to.